Monday, November 14, 2011

Recognize yourself!

Well, as I sit procrastinating studying for my least favorite class, I feel like writing about recognition. Most people don't know this but I HATE recognition. Seriously cannot stand it. I didn't used to be this way but then I just felt so overly recognized and like my real efforts were being forgotten. I dislike it now. A lot. Most of the time I won't even read what people write or what is said if I feel it overly reeks of recognition. Now, don't get me wrong, I love reassurance. I like to be told I am doing a good job and I like to acknowledge others for what they do. I love recognizing others for their work. Seriously it's like my favorite. I do this because it takes the attention off of me and it puts it on who I feel like it really belongs on, everyone else. I also realize that I am a minority. I am one of the few who don't like to be recognized and I am okay with that. I may be a minority in this, but anyways the point of this blog is really to learn to recognize yourself. Let yourself believe that you are worth it. Let yourself believe that you can be who you want to be. Tell yourself you are doing a great job. Tell yourself that you are a great person. Believe in  yourself and all else will fall into place! :)
So advice for today? Recognize yourself. :)

Oh, and PS, here's a poem I wrote...

A smile is a friend to all
It is easy to do whether you are big or you are small. 
Giving a smile is fun to do.
If you give me a smile, I'll give you one too!
By putting a smile on your face
You can make the world a better place!

No one likes a frowny face, change it to a smile!

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