Monday, November 28, 2011


Sometimes in life we get into a path. We start to be who the world expects us to be. We start to be who we think we need to be. We start to become a person who fits into a mold. We start to lose ourselves. This is natural. Everyone feels like they can't be, or aren't being themselves at one point or another. It's okay to do this, as long as we find ourselves again. Recently I felt like I was lost. I really felt like I was becoming something that was not me. Something I did not want to be because it wasn't me. I got told once that I was weird. Surprisingly that did not bother me one bit. I was in elementary school at the time. Being told you are weird at such a young age does something to you, at least for me it did. You may think it ruined my self-esteem, but it didn't. It made me stronger. I took this and formed an identity. I gave myself permission to be me. The person who told me I was weird was my mom. She gave me that permission. She let me go with who I was. She helped me to become me. My message today is to do just that. Let yourself be you! You are the only one you can be you! I mean seriously think about that. I cannot be you, your sister cannot be you, the guy across the street cannot be you; only you can be you! So do it, because, as I was recently reminded by a good friend, "You are super awesome at what you do, and that is being you!" So, be the fruitloop in the box of cheerios. Be the  different person you want to be. Be your own kind of beautiful, but above all else, Just BE YOU.

As always, No one likes a frowny face, change it to a smile--- a smile that fits your face and is unique to you! :)

Here is a picture that I LOVE. My mom says it's me, which is the greatest compliment anyone could ask for in my opinion! :) Be the color in a dull world. Be the fruitloop. Shine like no one else but you can!

And here is one of my favorite songs. I see your true colors, let them shine! :) 

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