Tuesday, February 14, 2017

HAPPY Valentine's Day!

Guys. Let's talk about how Valentine's Day gets a lot of flack. Some people really hate it. Some people really love it. Some people spend the day eating chocolate. And some people don't even acknowledge the day exists. To many (including my very single self) it is a reminder that there isn't someone by your side. In fact, some people have even changed the name to call it Single Awareness Day, or SAD. And you know what that makes me? Sad.

This is actually the first Valentine's Day that I have really enjoyed! That isn't because I have a boyfriend, fiance, or dog, but it's because I realized something recently - it's okay to be alone! There is a huge difference between being alone and being lonely. Being alone means that there isn't a person by your side. Being lonely means that you are sad about that. I mean, I get it. I have been alone for a really long time, and I will admit for a large part of that time I have been lonely, but honestly, there isn't a reason why being alone should make you lonely. Especially on Valentine's Day! This day is all about love! And love exists whether you are single or in a relationship. So go love someone. Love yourself, love your family, love your friends, love your neighbors, and love the random guy riding his bike down the road (side note: I yelled "Happy Valentine's Day" out the window at someone today and I think they were really shocked and possibly frightened, but you know #YOLO)

When you focus on how much love is actually in your life instead of how much love you don't have (yet), your life changes. You will be happier and maybe, just maybe, you'll enjoy this lovely day meant to celebrate all the love in the world quite a bit more!

"Put a smile on your kisser and someone might but a kiss on your smiler!"


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