What makes you happy? I mean really truly makes you happy? I'm not talking happy that lasts 5 minute happy, I am talking genuine, long-lasting happy. Happiness that can take years to build. Happiness that lasts a long time. Happiness that leaves you with a smile that just won't go away. Can't think of anything? That's alright. This happiness can be hard to come by, or it can be the easiest thing to find. It all depends on you. That's right you. You are in control of your life. You are the only one that can determine your attitude. Think about it. Say you are in a giant crowd walking around with a milkshake in your hand. You slip on the ground and fall and spill milkshake all over you. Everyone within a 20 foot radius can see this and about 57 people start busting out in laughter at your expense. Now, there are two things you can do in this situation. The first is to be upset, get bent out of shape and be embarrassed. The second is stand up, laugh it off, and move forward knowing you put a smile on those people's faces. Your attitude just determined the outcome of that event and your happiness level. The person who can learn to laugh it off and turn the situation into something positive is the person who is probably most successful in life. It's a skill that is hard to learn. Real hard to learn, but once mastered can make all the difference in a happy life and one that well, just isn't full of enjoyment. Anyways... let's go back to happiness. What makes you truly happy? If you don't have an answer to this go find one! It's okay to have more than one thing that makes you happy. Shoot, I've got a list a mile long. Right now, the thing that makes me happy is people. People are awesome. Especially people who know you and who say things that just make your day. I certainly have a whole lot of people like this in my life and I am glad that I do.
So this blog's been kind of all over the place, but the things to take out of it are check your attitude. Like I said earlier, your attitude can change your life so make sure it's positive and the outcome of any situation will be changed in a happy way! Second take away is find what makes you happy and be happy. Truly truly happy. As always, no one likes a frowny face, so change it to a smile. :)